Solar Panels
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Solar Panels

Green is both a growing industry and isn’t showing any signs of stopping. Harness the power of the wind and the sun to build a stable future with renewable energy.
Excellent panels manufactured in Sweden, with a consistent output of quality energy, achieved through special glass designs that minimizes reflection, and increases output.
The panels come with a 25 years’ operational warranty, which means that delivered electricity over the 25-year period must exceed 80% of the electricity deliveries on day one.
Swemodule’s panels are designed for various markets and applications. High quality production, combined with the strictest process control, ensures maximum lifespan and the highest performance.
The panels have a consistent high quality and one of many advantages is the glass sheet itself. The glass is treated by a patented method and the treatment is permanent throughout the lifespan of the panel.
Special low iron glass with an etched antireflection treated surface achieves higher measured output power. The modules give 2-8% higher energy yield performance in the field during scattered and low light conditions, especially in morning, evening and in the winter months.

The building process includes such steps like flash testing, robot welding, lamination, and cell-charging.
Click video for a first-hand look into the factory process.
In the manufacturing process of Swemodule’s solar panels we use an encapsulation film – BPO – which is a Swedish made product from a company called BOREALIS.
This high-performance product uses BPO (Borealis Poly Olefin encapsulate technology) and holds a very high quality compared to most commonly used EVA products.
BPO are extremely stable cross–linking and will stay transparent and maintain the high energy yield over long periods of time. All joints are soldered or welded in the Junction Box to prevent contact corrosion and arcing.